Inside School Readiness
for Blended-Learning

clustering and classification of school readiness applying blended-learning
using algorithm: k-means and support vector machines.

Topic of Readiness


Blended Learning is a learning strategy that can develop critical thinking skills
and optimize the use of information and technology
as well as improve learning outcomes.

Blended-Learning Image
K-Means Image

Algorithm Technology


The K-Means algorithm is one of the Clustering algorithms
which is included in the unsupervised learning group
which is used to group data into several groups with a partition system.

Algorithm Technology

Support Vector Machines

SVM or Support Vector Machine is a classification algorithm
with the aim of finding a separator function that can separate two data sets
from two different classes.

SVM Image
Developer Image


Nanda Hady Mulya

A final-year informatics engineering student,
concentrated in Artificial Intelligence (AI) whose highly motivated, visionary,
and have the capability to be a groundbreaker.